Parasite Control & Prevention

Prevent harmful pests by starting your dog/cat on a monthly parasite preventive.

The last thing you want is to have harmful parasites on your dog/cat and in your home. A parasite control plan is the best way to safeguard them, as well as your entire family from a range of internal and external parasites. To learn more about parasite preventives, please contact us at 416-928-6761.

Why does my cat need a preventive if they don’t go outside?

Just because your cat doesn’t venture outdoors doesn’t mean outdoor parasites can’t get inside. Mosquitoes transmit heartworm disease, and as you probably know, mosquitoes always seem to find a way to get inside your home. Plus, fleas and ticks can both hitch a ride on clothing, so every time you come back into the house, you could potentially be bringing these parasites in with you. Although you can’t always protect your cat/dog from coming in contact with these bloodsucking insects, you can help protect them from the diseases they can transmit by taking monthly preventive.

Are natural remedies for parasite prevention safe for my dog/cat?

Although natural remedies could offer some protection or repellency against parasites, they are not nearly as effective as prescription products. In addition, natural remedies often need to be applied more frequently than once a month, making them less convenient as well. Some, such as garlic, can be harmful to your dog or cat. Just because a product has “natural” on its label doesn’t mean it’s safe. Consult with our veterinary team before using any over-the-counter preventives on your dog/cat.

Why should I bother with preventives if I’ve never seen a parasite on my dog/cat?

Even though you might not have seen a parasite on your dog/cat doesn’t mean the threat isn’t there. When we prescribe broad-spectrum preventives, your dog/cat is protected from a range of internal and external parasites. Some aren’t even visible to the naked eye, like heartworms. Keeping your dog/cat on a monthly preventive is your best bet for protecting them and your family against these parasites, especially since some pose a risk to humans as well.

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