Nutrition Counselling for Pets

Experience confidence and clarity in the dog/cat food aisle with our trusted advice by your side.

Whether you want advice on feeding your new puppy/kitten or are interested in learning better ways to support your dog or cat’s dietary needs, nutrition counselling is the best way to get trustworthy advice. Depending on their specific health needs, we’ll determine a nutrition plan to support their overall health. 

How should I decide what to feed my dog or cat?

The purpose of nutrition counselling is to make modifications that will ultimately improve their well-being. Your dog or cat’s diet should be dependent on their overall health. Before we make any recommendations, we’ll assess their current diet, weight, appetite and more, to determine which dietary changes will be most beneficial for them in the long run. For example, if you’ve recently learned of your dog’s allergies, we’ll recommend special anti-inflammatory dietary modifications. Be prepared to answer questions about your dog or cat’s regular eating habits, feeding schedule and overall relationship with food.

Can my puppies and dogs eat the same foods?

Puppies and kittens need special diets formulated for their stage of life. Though it can be tempting to feed all of your pets the same food, it’s most beneficial to feed them according to their dietary needs. When browsing the dog/cat food aisles, you should pay attention to labels that include the specific life stage the food supports. Labels that say “complete balanced diet” also let you know your dog or cat will benefit from nutrient-rich food that doesn’t have unnecessary fillers. If you have any questions about which specific food would best support your dog or cat, please contact us at 416-928-6761.

Which pet food ingredients should I avoid?

Before purchasing food for your dog or cat, it’s important to review the label to ensure it has the best ingredients that will support their overall health. Some general ingredients you should try to avoid include:

  • Meat meal
  • Wheat flour
  • Corn syrup
  • MSG
  • Nitrates
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